Terry's Music site - Barefootterry | home
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ok I do this for free, but it does take money,
so Make a donation to the TUBE AMP HALL OF FAME
Help us maintain this gia-normous server farm,
the one that runs "The Tube Amp Hall of Fame" (r) (c)LCG.
With a donation. through Paypal ?
Thanks In advance.
or if you would like to send cash to :"Terrys Kids",
(And hey send those unused Viagra packs.)
 Little Creek Gold (LCG)
pmb 35
2149 w. Cascade suite 106a
Hood River, Oregon 97031
available from LittleCreek Gold Puiblishing (an ASCAP company)
THE nEW oNE FOR 2014
"Dissimillar Metals"
the new music for 2014
the New New One--- Dissimillar Metals--
the new Music from Bterry for 2014.
Hot off the press --Media available on sd, cd, dv,aiff, pt,hulu,
what ever platform you are running,
available from LittleCreek Gold Publishing (an ASCAP company)
send a couple thousand to paypal, to marriedt@gmail.com
Listen to my music on SoundClick  ,,Click
and on the MySpace  ,,Click
Or on YOU TUBE click
or contact me at Link ...Click
Dont forget my other sites;
This Music is subject to the Barefootterry Export Administration Regulations and other U.S. law, and may not be exported or re-exported to certain countries (currently Afghanistan (Taliban controlled areas), Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria) or to persons or entities prohibited from receiving U.S. exports (including Denied Parties, entities on the Bureau of Export Administration Entity List, and Specially Designated Nationals).
and other stupid idiots too.
Parts and stuff ;
Just click on what you need
These are the original 1970 -75 year Thomas Organ WAWAs
entire site (c)2001 Little Creek Gold
Music copyright Barefootterry,-
(c), (p) ,2001Little Creek Gold Publishing